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List Price: $44.00
Sale Price: $33.49
(as of 12/12/2014 18:36 UTC - Details)

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Product Description

Basic Concepts Graphics Primitives : Introduction to computer graphics, Basics of graphics systems, Raster scan and random scan displays, Display processor, Display file structure, Algorithms and display file interpreter. Display devices, Interactive devices : Tablets, Touch panels, Mouse, Joysticks, Track balls, Light pen etc., Data generating devices : Scanners and digitizers, Primitive operations, Display file structure, Algorithms and display file interpreter, Text and line styles. Scan conversions, Lines, Line segments, Vectors, Pixels and frame buffers, Vector generation, DDA and Bresenham's line and circle drawing algorithms*, Initialising, Thick lines, Character generation : Stroke principle, Starburst principle, Bit map method, Display of frame buffer. (*Scan conversion algorithms should be given mathematical treatment) 2D and 3D Transformations 2D geometric transformations, Basic transformations-Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Other transformations such as Reflection, Shearing, Matrix representation and homogeneous co-ordinate system, Composite transformation, 3D transformation, Polygon filling methods. 3D Viewing and 3D Object Representation Projections, Specifying an arbitrary 3D view, Examples of 3D viewing. Polygon surfaces, Polygon tables, Plane equation, Polygon meshes, Curved lines and surfaces, Quadric surfaces, Spline representation. Color Models and Animation Colors spaces : RGB, HSV, CMY (K), YIQ, Color mixing. Computer animation : Animation sequences, Functions and languages, Key-frame systems, Motion specifications. Ray Tracing Ray tracing methods, Algorithms, Ray surface intersection calculations. Transformation, Hierarchy, Local illumination and shading. Advanced Topics Rendering equation and Monte Carlo methods, Anti-aliasing, Texture mapping, Shadows, GPU, Bezier curves, Fractals, Fractal lines and surfaces (with complete mathematical treatment of this unit).


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